Helena Magazine

My Helena: Linda Wurstner

Published 1:10 am Wednesday, February 14, 2024

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Helena resident Linda Wurstner gives her reasons for why she thinks Helena is a great place to call home.

Special Neighbors:
My husband, David, and I moved to Helena in November of 1989.

Our neighbors have been wonderful friends and it was such fun raising our children together. We organized block parties, ladies walking groups, and even an annual Halloween parade led by a Helena fire engine! Many more subdivisions have popped up in Helena over the years, and it has been fun to watch them start their own traditions.

Hidden History:
You can see all the signs of Helena’s early mining history

Old Town and its dam are local favorites. The museum offers a wealth of information and fun to Tour. As a member of the Helena Historic Preservation Committee, we have enjoyed leading hikes to the “hidden history” in our area. Gould Coke Ovens, the Eureka Mine #3 portal, Lee Springs Park Coke Ovens, and even a scenic trail along Buck Creek that takes you to a portion of the old Birmingham Mineral Railroad and bridge supports in Buck Creek! These sites and many more set our town apart from others in our state!

Nature and the Great Outdoors:
Helena is the perfect distance from so many large parks

We have been thrilled over the years, to watch parks and trails spring up all over our city. We enjoy the natural trail at Cahaba Lily Park and families utilize the playground and pavilions. Lee Springs and Joe Tucker Park also have trails, playgrounds, restrooms and ample parking. The city has provided us outdoor spaces where residents can mingle and interact with each other, and get in a fresh air workout, too!

Get Involved!
Living in a smaller town offers one the chance to really make a difference.

Many on the council serve as a liaison to volunteer boards organized to benefit the community. Old Town Live, Christmas Parade and tree lighting, Farmers Market, Buck Creek Festival, July 4th celebration, History Hikes and local museum, D & I Festival, and even the gorgeous baskets lining our Main Street are brought to you by groups of volunteers that care about making Helena a place people want to come visit or live. Come join us!

Connecting Through Social Media:

Our city has several ways to keep us informed and interact with each other.

Helena’s own website and Facebook page are updated regularly with information for residents. Merchants, city boards, the library and school organizations all have Facebook pages full of news and interacting with each other. All provide a glimpse into what Helena has to offer and how people like to help each other stay informed. It is fun to go to an event and see some of the residents you know only by name on social media!