Michael Harris appointed to Pelham City Council
Published 3:22 pm Friday, March 8, 2024
- During a regularly scheduled city council meeting on Monday, March 4, the Pelham City Council unanimously approved and immediately appointed Michael Harris to fill the vacant Council position left by the resignation of Mildred Lanier-Reed. (Reporter photo/Donald Mottern)
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By DONALD MOTTERN | Staff Writer
PELHAM – During a regularly scheduled city council meeting on Monday, March 4, the Pelham City Council unanimously approved and immediately appointed Michael Harris to fill the vacant Council position left by the resignation of Mildred Lanier-Reed.
The appointment came following a brief stalemate related to the appointment that saw councilmembers Rick Wash and Chad Leverett in favor of Harris’ immediate appointment and councilmembers Maurice Mercer and David Coram wanting to hold another round of interviews.
That stalemate ended when Coram addressed the other members of the Council during the work session and announced his intention to endorse Harris’ appointment.
“I had a lot of thought about the appointment over the last couple of weeks—and I talked with several folks and constituents,” Coram said. “The feedback that I received was that we are here to make decisions on the behalf of the citizens and making a decision that places the decision (of who to appoint to our Council) on the Governor’s desk is not something folks felt that we were sent here to do.”
Mercer would also shift his stance on the matter during the work session, citing his earlier provisions as being focused on matters of policy and adherence to procedure and processes.
Throughout the council work session that preceded the council meeting, the Council also heard updates related to the city’s 2023 audit, affirmed the positivity of City Manager Gretchen DiFante’s annual review and decided that Council President Mercer would represent the city as the voting delegate to the Alabama League of Municipalities’ annual meeting on Friday, May 17.
The Council further scheduled a planned meeting for April 1 at 4 p.m. for the purposes of interviewing applied candidates to the vacant seat on the city’s Board of Education. At the behest of multiple members, it was determined that interview voting process would return to a ranked scoring system instead of a points-based scoring system during those interviews.
While not officially sworn in until the opening of the council meeting, a measure done with unanimous consent by all members of the Council, Harris was welcomed to the table during the work session, where he sat without contributing to the discussions. He would speak to members of the Council and to an audience that included his friends and family following his official swearing in at the top of the meeting.
“I just want to say thank you very much,” Harris said. “I’m excited for this opportunity and this is a historic day. I’ve been here (in Pelham) for a long time and there is a lot of greatness going on in this town. I’m excited to be a part of it. Thank you to the people who have supported me the most along the way. I’m ready to get to work.”
During his oath of office, Harris was flanked by his four children and wife who stood in support while he recited the oath.
“I am very fortunate, and I look forward to this challenge and responsibility,” Harris said. “I will always work extremely hard for the city, for the people and for you guys, our staff and management. Thank you for letting me be a part of this. Thank you for the opportunity.”
With Harris now taking the seat left vacant by Lanier-Reed, the meeting proceeded as usual when a public hearing was held in regard to the rezoning of property along Huntley Parkway from B-2, General Business District, to R-T, Townhouse Residential District, that contains approximately 5.6 acres of vacant property that will be developed by Tower Homes.
“Tower Homes is requesting to rezone property that is located on the east side of Huntley Parkway that is between the Grand Reserve apartments and Publix,” said Gretchen DiFante, Pelham city manager. “It is currently zoned as B-2 and they are requesting the zoning changed to R-T. The proposed use is a 42-lot for lease townhome community that will mirror the Huntley Park community that was recently completed by Tower Homes.”
During Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on Feb. 8, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend the Council approve the rezoning request. The Planning Commission made comment that the site has remained vacant for too long and is an eyesore. The Commission further expounded on the position by stating, “This development would be a good fit for the area.”
No citizens of Pelham spoke for or against the proposal during the time of the public hearing. Provided that the ordinance was a first reading, it is expected that the matter will be voted upon at the next council meeting or one in the near future.
“We have worked closely with the city staff in bringing this proposed use before the Council.” said Price Hightower, president and owner of Tower Homes. “We did receive a favorable recommendation from Planning and Zoning and we are always happy to answer any questions people may have about the site.”
At the close of the meeting, Harris again addressed the audience and the other members of the Council to express his thanks and appreciation of the appointment.
“I can’t tell you how excited I am to have Councilmember Harris join us up here,” Leverett said. “I don’t know exactly when I met him—it’s been at least five years or so—there are few that I have ever met that have more integrity than that man. I just want him to know that I am honored to serve alongside him and I look forward to what we are going to do together for the city of Pelham.”
In other news, the Council also performed the following actions during the meeting:
- Approved a resolution entering into a service agreement with C-Spire Business to move the city’s multi-factor authentication to a Microsoft based platform.
- Approved the authorization to increase the base pay compensation for Gretchen DiFante in her role as city manager. This was a budgeted expense.
- Amended the water department budget for the 2024 fiscal year and purchased a small Vermeer Vacuum trailer.
- Approved ABC licenses for Cottage House of Pelham and for the operators of the 2024 Oak Mountain Spring Fair
- Denied an ABC license for Pitstop Pub LLC.