Montevallo High School celebrates graduating class during commencement

Published 1:13 pm Thursday, May 23, 2024

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By RACHEL RAIFORD | Staff Writer 

MONTEVALLO – On Monday, May 20, 114 students in Montevallo High School’s class of 2024 held smiles on their faces as they walked into McChesney Student Activity Center to bid farewell to their high school careers. 

As Principal Steve Bromley looked over the crowd of graduates that sat before him, he welcomed the class Salutatorian Allie Herring to the podium. 

“I speak on behalf of the class of 2024 when I say thank you to our faculty and staff for all of your time and efforts,” Herring said. “We are truly a product of those who invest in us. Today is quite an exceptional feat for us all–it marks the beginning of our future endeavors. Through these past four years we’ve grown into the people we are today through our experiences at MHS.” 

Herring further identified the class’s years in high school will be remembered as, ”cheerful and fun filled.” 

With that, she noted that her class is known to be ambitious and recited a quote from Jeremiah 29:11. 

“For I know that the plans I have for you declares the Lord,” she said. “plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you hope in the future.” 

Herring also encouraged her class headed into their future careers, whether that be in college, the work force or the armed forces. 

“We are now faced with the opportunity to pursue our passions and make a lasting impact on the world around us,” Herring said. “I wish all of you the best on your upcoming ventures. May they be filled with purpose, blessings and happiness.” 

Prior to the presentation of diplomas, Bromley also welcomed Valedictorian Aiden Glenn to deliver his address. Glenn began by congratulating his peers on their accomplishment. 

“Each one of these caps is representative of countless hours of labor, stress and hardship,” Glenn said. 

Throughout the beginning of his address, he recalled the class’s challenges in their first year of high school, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“It’s safe to say that we didn’t have the greatest foundation,” Glenn said. “But look at how we bounce back. Our time here has seen so much success.” 

Glenn then called on the MHS senior class, presenting them to Bromley as candidates for graduation. Prior to his acceptance of the graduating seniors, Bromley called on the students who will be heading into the armed forces after graduation. 

Those students who have chosen to enlist include: 

  • Benjamin Locks, Lester Blevins 
  • Osvaldo Carranza-Lopez
  •  Didvanni Espinoza
  •  Tyler Gentry
  • Ashton Holmes. 

With family and friends cheering in the stands, students walked the stage one by one to receive their diplomas. 

Once all graduates returned to their seats, they sung the alma mater which ended with them tossing their caps in celebration.