Latest Fashion Archives - Shelby County Reporter


Natural Beauty

Artist pulls inspiration from wildlife and found objects Story and photos by Laura Brookhart “A friend has called ...


Felt Fascination

Nedia Rooker crafts wearable pieces of art Story and photos by Laura Brookhart   Handmade pieces showcase the ...


Dress test

Local wedding gown trends reflect national styles By EMILY SPARACINO / Staff Writer Many women dream about the ...


The leather artisan

Over the door to Dragana Obradovic’s studio is draped an enormous ivory calfskin leather hide, awaiting its future ...


Designing women

For the last three years, April Moore and Courtni Tyre have entered the Belk Southern Designer Showcase competition.For ...


Q & A with April & Courtni

April and Courtni answer questions about their experience this year with Belk's Southern Designer Showcase.

280 Reporter

Local fashion designers win Belk’s Southern Designer Showcase

Local fashion designers April Moore and Courtni Tyre recently won Belk's Southern Designer Showcase.


Beadapalooza: Annual event draws artists, fans to Helena

Beadapalooza, now an anticipated event held bi-annually in Helena, outgrew its former quarters at The Bead Biz retail ...


Camera ready Tommy Daspit takes part in Birmingham competition

Story and photos by Laura Brookhart “I grew up surrounded by photography and music. I think this explains ...


Say yes to the dress

While girls often dream of their perfect wedding day, shopping for a dress can become a nightmare of ...

