Latest Kathy Copeland Archives - Shelby County Reporter

280 Reporter

A first-class gala for Vincent’s retiring CSM Mary Kyser

Command Sergeant Major (R) Mary Kyser is now retired from the United States Army and Vincent Middle High ...

280 Main Story

New JROTC leadership named at Vincent Middle High School

The Army JROTC program at Vincent Middle High School is respected community-wide and well known for teaching students ...

280 Reporter

Vincent’s JROTC instructor retires to pursue a dream

Do you remember your dreams at 5 years old? Major Stanley Murrell, the senior instructor for the JROTC ...

Community Columnists

The magic of connecting

The lens we choose to view life through greatly impacts our actions toward others and our environment.

Community Columnists

McKissick receives VMHS Golden Stinger Award

Thirty-two years is quite the investment of time into a career, especially when it requires spending your days ...

Community Columnists

‘Farms to Families’ project gives out produce in Vincent

The strength of a small-town community working together for the common good of all people was on display ...

Community Columnists

Get to know VMHS valedictorian Paisley Armstrong

Paisley Armstrong calls Vincent Middle High School her second home.

Community Columnists

Jackson receives Future Leaders scholarship

“It makes me feel extremely grateful and blessed,” Equashia Jackson said as she described the scholarship that will ...

Community Columnists

A display of radical kindness

It has been said that tough times don’t build character, they reveal it. During this difficult time, we ...

Community Columnists

Students learn costs associated with real life

It seems that when The Shelby County Chamber brings “Keeping it Real” to Vincent Middle High School, it ...

Community Columnists

New pharmacy opening in Vincent

Double A Drugs LLC will soon be the newest business on the main downtown thoroughfare in Vincent.

280 Reporter

Students learn costs associated with real life

It seems that when The Shelby County Chamber brings “Keeping it Real” to Vincent Middle High School, it ...

280 Reporter

Vincent’s JROTC competes in Raider Ruck Race

On Friday, Feb. 21, two teams and two individuals from the Vincent Middle High School’s JROTC program demonstrated ...

280 Reporter

Program gets students ‘ready to work’ when they leave school

Shelby County Schools, The Shelby County Chamber and 58 Inc. want students to be “Ready to Work” when ...

280 Reporter

Six generations of love

“Aunt Matt is a sixth-generation aunt,” said Earnest Kidd of Vincent. “My granddaddy is Matt’s brother.” Intrigued, I ...

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